Creating a Culture of Care Strategy

creating a culture of care report coverA PEI Governmental Task Force on a Coordinated Response to Adult Sexual Violence was established with a mandate to strengthen Prince Edward Island’s approach to preventing and responding to adult sexual violence. Guided by feedback from survivors, community, and service providers, Prince Edward Island’s first sexual violence prevention and response strategy for adults was created – Creating A Culture of Care: A Strategy for Preventing and Responding to Adult Sexual Violence in Prince Edward Island.

This 5-year strategy outlines a set of actions aimed to sharpen the focus of preventive measures and enhance
collective response by:

  • empowering frontline services with knowledge and skills;
  • strengthening trauma-informed processes;
  • increasing options for survivors and interventions for perpetrators; and
  • coordinating our overall efforts to address sexual violence.

Read the first provincial strategy here: Creating a Culture of Care: A Strategy for Preventing and Responding to Adult Sexual Violence on PEI  [PDF]