Medical Support

Medical care is an important part of ongoing support after an experience of sexual violence. Medical care might look like seeking follow up care for injury, treatment for infection, or a prescription for mental health medications. You can seek medical care from the following resources: 

  • Your Primary Care Provider (i.e. Doctor, Nurse Practitioner) 
  • Sexual Health, Options & Reproductive Services (SHORS)
    •  Sexual Health, Options & Reproductive Services (SHORS) provides reproductive and sexual health care to PEI residents of all genders, orientations and ages at various sites across PEI. To access safe, confidential, and supportive services, call 1-844-365-8258 (toll-free).
    • Some services include: Sexually Transmitted Infection screening and treatment, post-exposure prophylaxis for exposure to HIV, and Abortion Services. 
    • Charlottetown, and Summerside, PEI 
  • Walk-In Clinics
    • Walk-in clinics provide non-urgent care at locations across the province. Walk-in clinics are offered by Health PEI and by private operators. Clinics serve patients on a first-come, first-serve basis. Clinics may close early when the maximum patient capacity has been reached, or if there are no patients waiting to be seen.
    • Island-wide 

For information about supporting your mental well-being, see Support for Mental Well-Being and Counselling